Move Knowledge
Not Patients…
All Teach, All Learn

What is Project ECHO?

Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) is a revolutionary guided-practice model that reduces health disparities in your state, nation, and world. Through innovative tele-mentoring, the Project ECHO model uses a hub-and-spoke knowledge-sharing approach where expert teams lead virtual sessions, amplifying the capacity for providers to deliver best-in-practice care to the patients in their own communities. Watch a brief video here.






lives touched


Project ECHO delivers best-practice training in specialized medical treatments to pediatric providers through video conferencing technology. By incorporating a brief, high-yield didactic of practical information illustrating evidence-based guidelines, paired with community-sourced cases utilized for deep-dive discussions. The sessions are respectful of time and protect your time to learn.  The Mental and Behavioral Health courses are led by a specialty hub team of pediatricians, psychiatrists, and psychologists.  They boil down the “what” to do about childhood mental health concerns and guide you through the “how”. 

Project ECHO Team

Project ECHO delivers best-practice training in specialized medical treatments to primary care providers through video conferencing technology. Project ECHO also facilitates a wide array of programs in support of mental health disorders, autism, sickle cell, and much more.


  • Project Echo has been a valuable learning experience for me and I have learned and incorporated new ideas into my practice as a direct result of my participation. Each session consists of a brief didactic presentation followed by a group discussion centered around a case presentation. I find that sharing in a group setting and seeing how others approach problems to be a good way of synthesizing how I would or might approach things in my daily practice. I highly recommend participation in Project Echo learning.

    Pediatrician - Depression Cohort

  • I feel so much more comfortable in my management of mental health because of these echo classes. I love the content of the classes. They are aimed at the primary care provider. This has been especially helpful in our current mental health crisis. The format with a didactic followed by a case is engaging. I also appreciate the virtual nature of the classes because it makes it much easier to attend.

    Participant – Taken multiple cohorts

  • I was able to get a severely anxious teenager with selective mutism on a medication regimen that lowered her anxiety enough to allow her to participate in talk-based counseling.

    Pediatrician - Anxiety Cohort